Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Eve, the Day, the Joy

By Joseph Hesch

On the Eve and Day of Joy,
the presents were covered
in their smooth and sparkling raiment,
as were the trees and roads
in their fresh-snow greeting card grandeur.
Come the gathering, all those wrappings,
of packages and countryside,
were torn by child and adult,
each in their own way—
hand, scissor, sled, SUV. 
The magic was so quickly broken,
And what was smooth wonder
and sparkling mystery
the night before and at dawn,
had been torn, crumpled, stained
and rendered debris and nuisance
to everyone’s continued joy.
Moms and Dads near-curse the mess
of late-day. Kids ignore or revel in its chaos.
On Boxing Day the broken ugliness
of cold fact will be exposed.
Yet all will be forgotten with the advent
of a new year, a new hope,
a new anticipation
for the sleek magic of the Eve and
the Day we came together
and were joyously unbroken.


  1. i hope that you have a lovely christmas my friend...and i hope you find much peace and joy this season....i have accepted that tomorrow will be chaos...smiles...

  2. smiles..the good thing to live with almost grown-up kids is that the chaos isn't as bad as it used to be...we spent a calm and lovely day together - so for the moment the joy is still unbroken...smiles... merry christmas to you joe

  3. Yes, I am bracing for Boxing day tomorrow.

    Like the reflective write of the smooth and mystery gifts to the messy morning after.

    Wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays ~

    What a pleasure to know you and your words this year ~

  4. Thinking of you all this holiday b

  5. A wonderful observation and synopsis of the day. Especially like:

    "Yet all will be forgotten with the advent
    of a new year, a new hope,
    a new anticipation
    for the sleek magic of the Eve and
    the Day we came together
    and were joyously unbroken."


    (Hope you and your had a lovely holiday, & wishing you the best in the coming year!)
